(Na foto o Atleta Willame Carpon [BRA] S2a)
>> Badminton adaptado promete decolar em Brasília
O Badminton adaptado ganha mais força a cada dia na capital federal. Brasília hoje está se tornando um grande celeiro de feras do Badminton adaptado graças ao trabalho que vem sendo realizado no CETEFE (Centro de Treinamento em Educação Física Especial), instituição com mais de 10 anos de atuação em esportes adaptados com expressão no âmbito nacional e internacional em diversas modalidades como tênis e basquete em cadeira de rodas, tiro com arco, atletismo, natação, futsal para cegos, goalball e tênis de mesa.
O Badminton adaptado em Brasília chegou através das mãos do professor Létisson Samarone que hoje já trabalha com aproximadamente 50 praticantes, abrangendo crianças de 5 anos até adultos de 45 anos em ambos os sexos.
“Temos hoje entre os praticantes pessoas com deficiência intelectual, auditiva, transtorno de déficit de atenção (TDA) e hiperatividade (TDAH), condutas típicas de autismos, paralisia cerebral, Síndrome de Down, entre outros. Para competição temos atletas adolescentes e adultos com paralisia cerebral, seqüela de poliomielite, amputados com uso de cadeira de rodas ou muletas, deficientes mentais e deficientes auditivos”, explicou.
O resultado do Badminton adaptado em Brasília é tão bom que a modalidade foi incluída no ano passado nos jogos da federação de esporte escolar. Outra novidade é a inclusão do Badminton adaptado no terceiro festival paraolímpico do Distrito Federal, além de um campeonato interno do CETEFE.
“A nossa intenção é agregar o nosso campeonato com o da federação, realizar os dois campeonatos paralelamente, além disso, gostaríamos de sediar um campeonato brasileiro de Badminton adaptado quem sabe ainda este ano”, finalizou Létisson.
Létisson Samarone explicou ainda que neste ano de 2009 um dos objetivos do grupo é participar dos jogos de Mandiville na Inglaterra, uma competição do esporte adaptado.
Quem quiser obter informações sobre o Badminton adaptado em Brasília pode entrar em contato com a federação de Badminton local através do e-mail
Hilton Fernando
Assessor de Imprensa – Confederação Brasileira de Badminton – CBBd
regras da BWF apêndice 5 - Badminton for Disabled People (Badminton para pessoas com deficiência) -
No Brasil o Badminton Adaptado é praticado nas seguintes cidades:
Distrito Federal,
Rio de Janeiro-Rj,
Contagem/Belo Horizonte-Mg,
São Paulo-Sp,
Atualmente está sendo implantado com grande profissionalismo em Porto Alegre-Rs graças ao empenho da presidente da Federação Gaúcha de Badminton: Vera Mastrascusa.
Rio de Janeiro-Rj,
Contagem/Belo Horizonte-Mg,
São Paulo-Sp,
Atualmente está sendo implantado com grande profissionalismo em Porto Alegre-Rs graças ao empenho da presidente da Federação Gaúcha de Badminton: Vera Mastrascusa.
(Obs: se você conhece alguma cidade além das citadas aqui por favor entrar em contato pelo email
Apesar da quantidade de cidades em que existem Badminton Adaptado (podemos considerar como sendo bastante satisfatória), a participação dos mesmo em eventos ainda está longe do ideal.
Infelizmente, pelo fato do Badminton Adaptado (ParaBadminton) ainda não ser uma modalidade paraolímpica, não podemos contar com recursos financeiros vindo dos órgãos públicos no caso o CPB- Comitê paraolímpico Brasileiro e nem do COB que no qual o seu recurso é somente para o Badminton Olímpico, não podendo ser utilizado para o ParaBadminton.
Foi criada a primeira comunidade de Badminton Adaptado na rede social de maior utilização no Brasil. A comunidade foi criada na data de 22 de Máio de 2010. Sua criadora é a professora Aline Strapassom da cidade de Toledo no estado do Paraná.
Segue o link da comunidade no Orkut:
Click na palavra "LINK" acima para entrar na comunidade LINK .
DAAA offers singles badminton is a round-robin or all-play-all tournament within each age category:
•Junior 7-9yr
•Junior 10-12yr
•Open 16yr and above
•Master 35yr and above
•Singles competition is within-gender only
DAAA/IDAF (International Dwarf Athletic Federation) badminton Class BMSTD 6 dwarf athletes categories:
•Class 1
◦Athlete height under l20cm.
◦Ahthlete mobility more restricted due to growth condition such as S.E.D, Diastrophic Dysplasia, certain types of Cartilage-Hair Hyperplasia, etc.
◦This classification is not aimed at juniors or people with achondroplasia who are under the height limit, but are still relatively mobile.
◦Net height 140 cm.
◦Standard court is divided lengthwise in half.
•Class 2
◦Athletes having achondroplasia or another type of relatively mobile condition.
◦Athlete maximum height 135 cm for females and 140c m for males.
◦There are no changes to the standard rules or court size.
DAAA follows the normal rules of badminton, unless superseded by the DAAA modifications:
•Racket Size
◦Junior sized rackets may be used by the youth divisions
•Serving Modifications
◦Sidearm serve will be allowed because short stature and a long racket make the underhand serve difficult for the dwarf athlete.
◦No overhead serves will be allowed.
◦Pool play to 11 points or 15 minutes.
◦Winners of the pool will play a tournament for medals.
Badminton court dimensions and net height are specified by the International Badminton Association for the Disabled (IBAD).
Competition follows the rules and regulations of the Badminton World Federation (BWF):
Scoring System
•A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points.
•Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.
•The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
•At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
•At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
•The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
Interval and Change of Ends
•When the leading score reaches 11 points, players have a 60 second interval.
•A 2 minute interval between each game is allowed.
•In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 11 points.
•At the beginning of the game (score 0-0) and when the server’s score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When the server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service court.
•If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point and then serves again from the alternate service court.
•If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and becomes the new server. Service is from the appropriate service court – left if their score is odd, and right if even.
Paralympic Competition
Badminton was first sanctioned as an Olympic sport at the Barcelona 1992 Games. The BWF and IBAD have applied to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to have badminton included in the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
To compete in Paralympic Games, the maximum height for a dwarf to meet the minimal disability is 142 cm for males and 136 cms for female. The athlete must also exhibit other disabilities besides being short stature, such as orthopedic conditions. (Therefore, a pituitary dwarf is not eligible to participate under the dwarf classification.
DAAA offers singles badminton is a round-robin or all-play-all tournament within each age category:
•Junior 7-9yr
•Junior 10-12yr
•Open 16yr and above
•Master 35yr and above
•Singles competition is within-gender only
DAAA/IDAF (International Dwarf Athletic Federation) badminton Class BMSTD 6 dwarf athletes categories:
•Class 1
◦Athlete height under l20cm.
◦Ahthlete mobility more restricted due to growth condition such as S.E.D, Diastrophic Dysplasia, certain types of Cartilage-Hair Hyperplasia, etc.
◦This classification is not aimed at juniors or people with achondroplasia who are under the height limit, but are still relatively mobile.
◦Net height 140 cm.
◦Standard court is divided lengthwise in half.
•Class 2
◦Athletes having achondroplasia or another type of relatively mobile condition.
◦Athlete maximum height 135 cm for females and 140c m for males.
◦There are no changes to the standard rules or court size.
DAAA follows the normal rules of badminton, unless superseded by the DAAA modifications:
•Racket Size
◦Junior sized rackets may be used by the youth divisions
•Serving Modifications
◦Sidearm serve will be allowed because short stature and a long racket make the underhand serve difficult for the dwarf athlete.
◦No overhead serves will be allowed.
◦Pool play to 11 points or 15 minutes.
◦Winners of the pool will play a tournament for medals.
Badminton court dimensions and net height are specified by the International Badminton Association for the Disabled (IBAD).
Competition follows the rules and regulations of the Badminton World Federation (BWF):
Scoring System
•A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points.
•Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.
•The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
•At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
•At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
•The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
Interval and Change of Ends
•When the leading score reaches 11 points, players have a 60 second interval.
•A 2 minute interval between each game is allowed.
•In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 11 points.
•At the beginning of the game (score 0-0) and when the server’s score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When the server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service court.
•If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point and then serves again from the alternate service court.
•If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and becomes the new server. Service is from the appropriate service court – left if their score is odd, and right if even.
Paralympic Competition
Badminton was first sanctioned as an Olympic sport at the Barcelona 1992 Games. The BWF and IBAD have applied to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to have badminton included in the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
To compete in Paralympic Games, the maximum height for a dwarf to meet the minimal disability is 142 cm for males and 136 cms for female. The athlete must also exhibit other disabilities besides being short stature, such as orthopedic conditions. (Therefore, a pituitary dwarf is not eligible to participate under the dwarf classification.
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