VEJAM MAIS SOBRE OS ESPORTES PRATICADOS PELOS ANÕES EM : http://www.daaa.org/DAAA_sportRules.html#basketball
DAAA Sport EventsAthletics (Track and Field)
Golf Tournament
International Football (Soccer)
Soccer (International Football)
Table Tennis
Track and Field (Athletics)
Volleyball Badminton
DAAA offers singles badminton is a round-robin or all-play-all tournament within each age category:
Junior 7-9yr
Junior 10-12yr
Open 16yr and above
Master 35yr and above
Singles competition is within-gender only
DAAA/IDAF (International Dwarf Athletic Federation) badminton Class BMSTD 6 dwarf athlete categories:
Class 1Athlete height under l20cm.Ahthlete mobility more restricted due to growth condition such as S.E.D, Diastrophic Dysplasia, certain types of Cartilage-Hair Hyperplasia, etc.
This classification is not aimed at juniors or people with achondroplasia who are under the height limit, but are still relatively mobile.
Net height 140 cm.Standard court is divided lengthwise in half.
Class 2
Athletes having achondroplasia or another type of relatively mobile condition.
Athlete maximum height 135 cm for females and 140c m for males.
There are no changes to the standard rules or court size.
DAAA follows the normal rules of badminton, unless superseded by the DAAA modifications:
Racket Size
Junior sized rackets may be used by the youth divisions
Serving Modifications
Sidearm serve will be allowed because short stature and a long racket make the underhand serve difficult for the dwarf athlete.
No overhead serves will be allowed.
Pool play to 11 points or 15 minutes.
Winners of the pool will play a tournament for medals.
RegulationsBadminton court dimensions and net height are specified by the International Badminton Association for the Disabled (IBAD).
Competition follows the rules and regulations of the Badminton World Federation (BWF):
Scoring System
A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points.
Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.
The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
Interval and Change of Ends
When the leading score reaches 11 points, players have a 60 second interval.
A 2 minute interval between each game is allowed.
In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 11 points.
At the beginning of the game (score 0-0) and when the server’s score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When the server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service court.
If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point and then serves again from the alternate service court.
If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and becomes the new server. Service is from the appropriate service court – left if their score is odd, and right if even.
Paralympic CompetitionBadminton was first sanctioned as an Olympic sport at the Barcelona 1992 Games. The BWF and IBAD have applied to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to have badminton included in the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
To compete in Paralympic Games, the maximum height for a dwarf to meet the minimal disability is 142 cm for males and 136 cms for female. The athlete must also exhibit other disabilities besides being short stature, such as orthopedic conditions. (Therefore, a pituitary dwarf is not eligible to participate under the dwarf classification.
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DAAA basketball teams play round-robin or all-play-all tournament within each age category:
Junior 7-9yr
Junior 10-12yr
Open 16yr and above
Teams may be composed of both female and male players within a single age division.
National Federation of State High School (NFHS) Associations basketball rules and rule changes shall be employed except when they are in conflict with the DAAA Basketball Rules. In such cases, the Official DAAA Rules shall apply.
Basketball court dimensions are the standard.
Basket and backboard dimensions are the standard.
Rule Exceptions For Team 3-on-3 Competition
Equipment Modifications
A Women's sized ball shall be used for Open competition.
International size 6
28.5 to 29.0 inch circumference
18 to 20 oz Weight
Junior's sized ball shall be used for Junior competition.
International size 5
27.25 to 27.75 inch circumference
14 to 16 oz Weight
Open and Junior competition shall use half of a court for play.
Player On-court classification for 3-on-3
Junior Players (7-15yr)
A classification system based on age will be in effect for DAAA 3-on-3 junior basketball competition.
The On-court system will be based on the three age groups currently used for track, field, and swimming.
Ages 7-9 will be class 1 = 1 player point on-court
Ages 10-12 will be class 2 = 2 player points on-court
Ages 13-15 will be class 3 = 3 players point on-court
No team may have more than 7 points on the court at one time for 3-on-3 competition.
Open Players (16yr and above)
The DAAA classification system for Open Division athletes will be in effect for DAAA Open basketball competition.
Each athlete is assigned a number based on DAAA classification.
Class 1 athletes = 1 player point on-court
Class 2 athletes = 2 player points on-court
Class 3 athletes = 3 players point on-court
No team may have more than 7 points on the court at one time for 3-on-3 competition.
Roster Policy for 3-on-3 Competition
No fewer than 3 players and no more than 5 players on the team.
Team rosters must be submitted 24 hours prior to the first game ofthe tournament and may not be changed once the tournament has begun.
A team may not have alternates added to their roster once the official team roster has been submitted 24 hours prior to the first game of the tournament.
A team may not have alternates above and beyond the 5-player limit.
A team who cannot put two (2) players on the court at the scheduled game time will be forced to forfeit the game.
For Independent teams, the above rules apply.
Independent teams will be determined by a lottery system, randomly selected by classification, gender and evenly distributed.
Athlete point system classification determines eligible competitors on the court at any one time.
This supersedes the rule of at least one player being of opposite gender on the court at all times in coed team play.
The dimensions of the court may be varied to account for local facilities.
Court size is half standard length and width, or 28 metres in length by 15 metres in width.
Rule Exceptions For Team 5-on-5 Competition
Length of Game for 5-on-5
Junior Division (7-15yr)
Four (4) quarters of 6 minutes each shall be played following regular time keeping procedures when running the clock
Half time shall consist of 10 minutes in length unless a shorter period of time is agreed upon by both teams/coaches.
Open Division (16yr and above)
Four (4) quarters of 8 minutes each shall be played following regular time keeping procedures when running the clock.
Half time shall consist of 10 minutes in length unless a shorter period of time is agreed upon by both teams/coaches.
Game Modifications for 5-on-5
Five (5) seconds instead of three (3) seconds shall be permitted in the key (paint) when a team is on offense and at their opponents' goal. This rule will apply for adult and junior competition.
When available, cross-courts may be used in place of regulation basketball courts to shorten the length of the court.
Five (5) team fouls may occur before the opponent is awarded Bonus status.
Each player is allowed five (5) individual fouls before being disqualified from the game.
A Women's sized ball shall be used for open competition.
A Junior sized ball shall be used for junior competition.
Player On-court classification for 5-on-5
Junior Basketball (7-15yr)
A classification system based on age will be in effect for DAAA junior basketball competition.
The system will be based on the three age groups currently used for track, field, and swimming:
Ages 7-9 will be class 1 = 1 player point on-court
Ages 10-12 will be class 2 = 2 player points on-court
Ages 13-15 will be class 3 = 3 player points on-court
No team may have more than 12 points on the court at one time for 5-on-5 competition.
Open Basketball (16yr and above)
The DAAA classification system for Open Division athletes will be in effect for DAAA Open basketball competition.
Each athlete is assigned a number based on DAAA classification.
Class 1 athletes = 1 player point on-court
Class 2 athletes = 2 player points on-court
Class 3 athletes = 3 players point on-court
No team may have more than 12 points on the court at one time for 5-on-5 competition.
Roster Policy for 5-on-5 Competition
No fewer than 8 players and no more than 12 players on a team.
Team rosters must be submitted 24 hours prior to the first game of the tournament and may not be changed once the tournament has begun.
A team may not have alternates added to their roster once the official team roster has been submitted 24 hours prior to the first game of the tournament.
A team may not have alternates above and beyond the 12 player limit.
A team who cannot put five (5) players on the court at the scheduled game time will be forced to forfeit the game.
For independent teams, the above rules apply.
If more than 12 players but less than 16 sign up to play on an independent team, a lottery system will be used to fill a 12 player roster. If 16 or more players sign up as independents, then two (2) teams of 8 may be formed. The two (2) teams will be randomly selected by classification, gender and even distribution.
Paralympic CompetitionBasketball has been sanctioned as a wheelchair sport only for the Paralympic Games. The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) governs paralympic basketball.
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DAAA boccia rules and regulations are specified by the International Boccia Commission (IBC), a committee of the Cerebral Palsy International Sports and Recreation Association (CPISRA). DAAA offers boccia round-robin or all-play-all tournament within each age category:
Junior 7-11yr
Junior 12-15yr
Open 16yr and above
Master 35yr and above
Competition is within gender only
TeamsJunior 7-15yr
Open 16yr and above
Master 35yr and above
Teams may be composed of both female and male players within a single age division.
Because of the nature of the disability, DAAA will allow the use of stools, chairs, or other sitting devices in the thrower's box during the matches.
The device must fit within the confines of the box.
At the discretion ofthe referee and/or the Sport Technical Officer for Boccia, another type of sitting modification may be used, if the individual's disability requires such special attention.
Paralympic CompetitionBoccia competition has been sanctioned in a limited manner beginning in 1984 by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC):
IPC boccia competition is open only to athletes with cerebral palsy or related neurological conditions using a wheelchair.
All events are mixed gender and feature individual, pair and team competitions for a total of seven medal events.
The gahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifme consists of four rounds, in individuals and pairs, and of six rounds in the team division.
The game is played on a marked court, usually with a hard surface.
IPC boccia is governed by the International Boccia Commission, a committee of the Cerebral Palsy International Sports and Recreation Association (CPISRA)
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Golf TournamentAt every National Games, DAAA holds a golf tournament that is open to everyone from beginner to expert who is interested in participating. Golfers of short, average and tall stature are welcome to play. The tournamnet is a fund-raising event, with all preceeds used to support the DAAA organization.
DAAA tournaments usually follow the scramble format. In a scramble, each player tees off on each hole. The best of the tee shots is selected and all players play their second shots from that spot. The best of the second shots is determined, then all play their third shots from that spot, and so on until the ball is holed.
At the conclusion of the tournament awards are presented; however, no archive is maintained of golfing scores or players.
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DAAA powerlift competitions are offered in the Open division, 16yr and above. Athletes compete within the same body weight (in kilograms) and gender.
Body weight categories for Women
40.00 kg class –– 40.00 kg and under
44.00 kg class –– 40.01 kg to 44.00 kg
48.00 kg class –– 44.01 kg to 48.00 kg
52.00 kg class –– 48.01 kg to 52.00 kg
56.00 kg class –– 52.01 kg to 56.00 kg
60.00 kg class –– 56.01 kg to 60.00 kg
67.50 kg class –– 60.01 kg to 67.50 kg
75.00 kg class –– 67.51 kg to 75.00 kg
82.50 kg class –– 75.01 kg to 82.50 kg
82.50 kg class –– 82.51 kg and above
Body weight categories for Men
48.00 kg class –– 48.00 kg and under
52.00 kg class –– 48.01 kg to 52.00 kg
56.00 kg class –– 52.01 kg to 56.00 kg
60.00 kg class –– 56.01 kg to 60.00 kg
67.50 kg class –– 60.01 kg to 67.50 kg
75.00 kg class –– 67.51 kg to 75.00 kg
82.50 kg class –– 75.01 kg to 82.50 kg
90.00 kg class –– 82.51 kg to 90.00 kg
100.00 kg class –– 90.01 kg to 100.00 kg
100.00 kg class –– 100.00 kg and above
DAAA has a specially designed bench constructed in accordance with International Paralympic Committee (IPC) powerlifting.
Athletes may lift with legs straight or with knees bent and feet flat on the bench.
Paralympic CompetitionPowerlift is a sport sanctioned by the International Paralympic Committee since 1964. For more information about IPC sports, see the IPC website.
IPC powerlift - IPC announcements and news about the sport, training, and competitions
About the sport - competition description, sports equipment, history of IPC powerlift
IPC rules - regulations and rules for IPC powerlift
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SoccerSoccer rules and regulations follow the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) standard unless superseded by the DAAA modifications listed below.
TeamsThe team shall consist of no more than 8 players, and must finish with at least 3 eligible players.
Teams may be composed of both female and male players within a single age division.
Junior 7-9yr
Junior 10-12yr
Open 16yr and above
Teams shall consist of 6 players on the field.
One team member shall be a goalkeeper.
Playing Field and Equipment
150x75 ft
4x6 ft
Size 4
Circumference 25-26 inches
Weight 12-13 ounces
Goalkeeper Rules
The goalkeeper may be changed at any time.
The goalkeeper shall wear a neutral color shirt.
The goalkeeper cannot throw or kick the ball beyond the mid-field line without the ball first touching the surface of any player in the same half.
A goalkeeper may be substituted for field player or may play the field as a field player.
The keeper may use his hands in the goal area but may not use his hands on the field.
Uniform Requirements
Shin guards must be worn.
No metal cleats: appropriate soccer shoes must be worn.
No earrings, jewelry, watches, or objects in hair.
Duration of Play
The duration of play shall be 20 minutes.
The 20 minutes shall be divided into two equal periods of 10 minutes.
A 5-minute interval shall be taken between halves to enable teams to change ends and to make substitutions.
The clock stops only at the discretion of the referee.
No time outs are allowed unless authorized by the referee.
Starting the Game
Each participating team shall nominate a captain.
The captain, the opposing team captain, and the referee shall toss a coin to determine who kicks off.
The kickoff may travel in any direction.
Substitutions at midfield may be made freely at any time during play.
Player substitution sequence must be done correctly.
The player who exits the field must be completely out of bounds at midfield before the entering player may step onto the field.
A box on the sideline shall indicate the entrance and exit areas.
Ball Out-of-play
Throw-ins shall be thrown underarm (not overarm nor overhead).
Goal kicks and corner kicks shall be kicked in the standard FIFA manner.
The ball is out of play when the entire ball is completely outside the outside edge of the line, the whole ball over the whole edge.
When the ball goes out of play over the end line after last-touched by an attacking player, play is restarted with a Goal Kick from the Goal Box Line.
When the ball goes out of play over the end line after last-touched by a defending player, a Corner Kick is awarded.
Infringement Policy
Player Infringement Policy is in effect for Goal Kicks, Kickoffs, and Indirect Kicks.
Players on the opposing team must be 10 feet from the ball and cannot infringe beyond that point until the ball is in play.
Penalties and Fouls
All kicks are indirect.
If the foul occurs within 10 feet of the goal, the ball is moved back to the top of the goal area.
There are no off sides.
The penalty for intentional backpass by foot is the award of an indirect free kick to the attacking team.
Any players being asked to leave the field of play during play must do so immediately.
Slide tackling is not permitted and carries an automatic yellow card.
A yellow card is a 2-minute penalty and the receiving team plays short a player.
Two yellow cards or one red card in one game is a dismissal and the player cannot participate in the next game.
If a goal is scored against the team playing short, that team is allowed back to full strength.
After every 6th foul, the opposing team is awarded a penalty kick from a point halfway between the midfield and the goal.
All players except the shooter and the keeper line up at midfield and challenge the play at the whistle.
The shooter may dribble prior to shooting and the keeper may challenge off the goal line.
Game Restart Policy
Game Restart Policy applies to Goal Kicks, Kickoffs, and Indirect Kicks.
During restarts, players of the opposing team must be at least 10 feet from the ball until the ball is played.
A player is allowed 5 seconds to play the ball after the referee has awarded a restart.
One point is scored for each goal, unless the game is co-ed.
During co-ed play, a female shooter scores 2 points for each goal.
No goals are allowed directly from a throw-in.
Competition Format
Round-robin format (if applicable) with teams formed by either pre-arrangement or immediately prior to the competition by ability.
To calculate team rank, games will be scored 3 for a win, 1 for a tie, and 0 for a loss.
Tie Breaker Rules for DAAA Soccer
Golden Goal Play Period
Play for 10 minutes
First goal wins
If there has been no goal after 10 minutes of play, another 10 minute Golden Goal period is played.
Use 5 vs. 5 Rules
No Goal Keeper
No one permitted in goal box
If a defender enters the goal box, it’s an automatic free kick for the attack directly outside the goal box.
If an attacker enters the goal box, it’s an automatic free kick for the defense directly outside the goal box.
If the ball stalls in the goal box without entering the goal, a drop ball will be played outside the box closest to where the ball stopped.
A team can score from indirect kickoff only.
During the kickoff, a team cannot score with direct kick.
First Tie Breaker for Bronze Medal
Bronze medal is determined by calculation and comparison of Goals For (GF) minus Goals Against (GA) for the teams.
Example: Team1 and Team2 play 2 games
Team1 wins one game 3-1 points
Team1 loses one game 2-1 points
Team1 Total (GF-GA) = 1 point
4 GF=(3+1)
3 GA=(1+2)
1 (GF-GA)=(4-3)
Team2 wins one game 1-0 points
Team2 loses one game 0-3 points
Team2 Total (GF-GA) = -2points
1 GF=(1+0)
3 GA=(0+3)
-2 (GF-GA)=(1-3)
Team1 wins the Bronze Medal by calculation
Team1 Total = 1 point
Team2 Total = -2 points
Second Tie Breaker for Bronze Medal
Whenever tie breaker calculation (GF-GA) comparison results in a tie, a coin toss shall determine the Bronze Medal team unless specified otherwise by DAAA officials.
Paralympic Competition
Paralymic soccer has been sanctioned only for athletes with visual impairments (5-a-side), and for athletes with cerebral palsy (7-a-side).
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DAAA Swimming competitions are usually offered in the following categories. Depending on the pool venue, the unit of measure for DAAA races could be either meter or yard. (For conversion between units, use 1.00m=1.09yd and 1yd=0.91m)
Backstroke 25m/yd: 4-6yr, 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Backstroke 50m/yd: 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Backstroke 100m/yd: 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Breaststroke 25m/yd: 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Breaststroke 50m/yd: 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Butterfly 25m/yd: 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Butterfly 50m/yd: 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Lifejacket 25m/yd: 4-6yr, 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr
Kickboard 25m/yd: 4-6yr, 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr
Freestyle 25m/yd: 4-6yr, 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 1, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Freestyle 50m/yd: 7-9yr, 10-12yr, 13-15yr, Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Freestyle 100m/yd: Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Freestyle 200m/yd: Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Freestyle Relay 100m/yd: Combined Junior/Open
Individual Medley 100m/yd: Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
Individual Medley 200m/yd: Open Class 2, Open Class 3, Master
T-shirt Team Relay 4x100m/yd: Combined Junior/Open
USA Swimming governs all meets here in the United States. Swim competition is governed by the International Paralympic Committee only at IPC-sanctioned swim meets. The U.S. Paralympic Committee hosts swim meets that are sanctioned by the IPC in order for the times to count on the world results and records.
Events are conducted as heats for up to eight competitors per class, with the fastest eight swimmers per class competing in the finals.
Swimmers are allowed to start a race using any one of three methods:
in the water holding the pool edge, pushing off the pool wall
on the starting platform in a sitting position and diving into the water
on the starting platform, standing and diving into the water
The following adjustments are made at DAAA swim competitions:
Athletes are classified based on their functional ability to perform each stroke.
DAAA classifications are different from IPC classifications.
Pool length can be 25 yard, 25 meter, or 50 meter, depending on the hosting venue.
Paralympic Competition
Swimming competitions have been part of the Paralympic Games since 1960 and events are open to male and female athletes in all disability groups. As in the Olympic Games, competitors measure their skills in Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly, Breaststroke and Medley events.
IPC swimming - IPC announcements and news about the sport, training, and competitions.
About the sports - competition description, sports equipment, history of IPC athletics.
Athlete classification - Athletes are classified based on their functional ability to perform each stroke.
IPC calendar - IPC list of competitions to qualify an athlete for Paralympic competition
U.S. paralympic meets - list of national swimming competitions for athletes who want to further their involvement in elite swimming.
IPC competitors measure their skills in Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly, Breaststroke and Medley events.
Swimming is governed by the IPC and co-ordinated by the IPC Swimming Technical Committee, which incorporates the rules of the International Swimming Federation (FINA).
FINA rules are followed with a few modifications, such as optional platform or in-water starts for some races and the use of signals or ‘tappers’ for swimmers with blindness/visual impairment; however, no prostheses or assistive devices are permitted.
Rules and regulations for swimming sports:
U.S.A. Swimming competitions
U.S. Paralympic championships
Differences between rules for U.S. swim organizations
IPC paralympic competitions
Results - archive of scores:
DAAA National games
U.S.A. Swimming competitions
U.S. Paralympic championships
IPC paralympic competitions
Records - current record scores:
DAAA National games
U.S.A. Swimming competitions
U.S. Paralympic championships
IPC paralympic competitions
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Table Tennis DAAA table tennis competition between individuals is played by athletes with any type of dwarfism who are of the same gender and age division.
SinglesJunior 7-11yr
Junior 12-15yr
Open 16yr and above
Master 35yr and above
Competition is within gender only
The governing body for Table Tennis is the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) through the ITTF Para Table Tennis Committee. The rules and regulations of the ITTF apply to Paralympic Table Tennis competitions with slight modifications only regarding the serve rules for athletes competing in a wheelchair. DAAA follows ITTF rules and regulations unless superseded by the following DAAA floor-to-table height modifications, to enable shorter athletes access to play.
Risers shall be available for any athlete unable to reach the table.
Risers should be made of non-slippery material and should be at least 4 m. wide and 3 m. long.
When risers are in use, spotters must be used to prevent the athlete from falling off the riser.
For paralympic competitions, there are no exceptions to the ITTF rules of table tennis for standing players with a disability.
The playing surface shall be rectangular, 2.74m long and 1.525m wide, and shall lie in a horizontal plane
76cm above the floor.
The net shall be suspended by a cord attached at each end to an upright post 15.25cm high, the outside limits of the post being 15.25cm outside the side line.
The top of the net, along its whole length, shall be 15.25cm above the playing surface.
The racket may be of any size, shape or weight but the blade shall be flat and rigid.
At least 85% of the blade by thickness shall be of natural wood; an adhesive layer within the blade may be reinforced with fibrous material such as carbon fibre, glass fibre or compressed paper, but shall not be thicker than 7.5% of the total thickness or 0.35mm, whichever is the smaller.
The ball shall be spherical, with a diameter of 40mm, weigh 2.7g, and made of celluloid or similar plastic material of white or orange color and matt reflectivity.
A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 11 points unless both players or pairs score 10 points, when the game shall be won by the first player or pair subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points.
A match shall consist of the best of any odd number of games.
Paralympic Competition
Table Tennis has been sanctioned by the International Paralympic Committee since 1960. However, it was not until the Toronto 1976 Paralympic Games that the IPC allowed athletes who were standing players classified as amputees and les autres (including athletes with dwarfism). For more information about IPC sports, see the IPC website.
IPC table tennis - IPC announcements and news about the sport, training, and competitions
About the sport - competition description, sports equipment, history of IPC table tennis
Equipment - regulations for table, net, ball, racketsIPTTC rules - International Paralympic Table Tennis Committee, regulations and rules for IPC table tennis
IPTTC calendar - IPTTC schedule for tournaments to qualify an athlete for Paralympic competition
IPC calendar - IPC list of tournaments to qualify an athlete for Paralympic competition
Athletes from all disability groups (with the exception of athletes with blindness/visual impairment) participate and compete in Table Tennis in standing and sitting classes.
Men and women competing individually, in doubles, as well as in team events.
A match comprises five sets of 11 points each and the winner is the player or pair winning three of the five sets.
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Track and Field AthleticsDAAA Athletics competitions are usually offered in the following sports:
Track Races15m
Future 4-6 yr
Junior 7-9yr
Junior 7-9yr
Junior 10-12yr
Junior 10-12yr
Junior 13-15yr
Open Class 1
Open Class 2
Open Class 3
Open Class 1
Open Class 2
Open Class 3
4x100m Relay
Open Combined
Field Competitions
Tennis Ball ThrowFuture 4-6yr
Junior 7-9yr
Softball Ball Throw
Future 4-6yr
Junior 7-9yr
Flippy Flyer Throw
Future 4-6yr
Junior 7-9yr
Junior 10-12yr
Discus Junior and Female Open and Master (0.75kg/1.65lb) or (1.0kg/2.25lb)Junior 10-12yr
Junior 13-15yr
Open Class 1 Female
Open Class 2 Female
Open Class 3 Female
Master Female
Discus Male Open and Master (1.0kg/2.2lb) or (1.5kg/3.35lb)Open Class 1 Male
Open Class 2 Male
Open Class 3 Male
Master Male
Javelin Training (400g/0.88lb)
Junior 10-12yr
Javelin Junior and Female Open and Master (400g/0.88lb)
Junior 13-15yr
Open Class 1 Female
Open Class 2 Female
Open Class 3 Female
Master Female
Javelin Male Open and Master (600g/1.3lb)
Open Class 1 Male
Open Class 2 Male
Open Class 3 Male
Master Male
Shot Put Training (1.78kg/4lb)
Junior 10-12yr
Shot Put Junior and Female Open and Master (2.7kg/6lb)
Junior 13-15yr
Open Class 1 Female
Open Class 2 Female
Open Class 3 Female
Master FemaleShot Put Male Open and Master (4.0kg/8.8lb)
Open Class 1 Male
Open Class 2 Male
Open Class 3 Male
Master MaleRule Modifications for Track and Field Events
All rules and regulations for USA Track and Field (USATF) apply except for the following modifications:
Flippy Flyer Rules Standing behind, without touching the line, the competitor throws the flippy flyer with one hand.
Each person in the flight must complete one throw before another trial may be thrown.
The measurement of a legal flippy flyer shall be made from the nearest point where the Flippy Flyer hit the ground.
The throwing circle and sector shall meet discus criteria.
Softball and Tennis Ball Throw Rules
Legal throwStanding behind, without touching the line, the competitor throws the tennis or softball with one hand.
The measurement of a legal softball or tennis ball throw shall be from the nearest point where the ball hit the ground.
Arc and sector shall meet Javelin criteria.
The DAAA classification system shall be used for Open division athletes.Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
The weights of Field implements are modified for each DAAA division.
DiscusJunior 13-15yr
Female: 1.0kg
Male: 1.0kg
OpenFemale: 1.0kg
Male: 1.5kg
Female: 1.0kg
Male: 1.0kg
JavelinJunior 13-15yr
Female: 400g
Male: 600g
OpenFemale: 400g
Male: 600g
Female: 400g
Male: 600g
Shot PutJunior 13-15yr
Female: 4 lb/
Male: 6 lb/2.7kg
OpenFemale: 6 lb/2.7kg
Male: 8.8 lb/4kg
MasterFemale: 6 lb/2.7kg
Male: 8.8 lb/4kg
Each Field competitor at National competition is allowed three trials (throws).
For all races, starting blocks are optional.
Paralympic CompetitionAthletics has been part of the Paralympic Games since 1960 and events are open to male and female athletes in all disability groups. For more information about IPC sports, see the IPC website.
IPC athletics - IPC announcements and news about the sport, training, and competitions
About the sports - competition description, sports equipment, history of IPC athletics
Athlete classification - Athletes compete according to their functional classifications in each event.
Classes 40-46 cover ambulant athletes with different levels of amputations and other limb disabilities, les autres. F40 is the classification for most forms of dwarfism.
Rules - rules and regulations for track and field sports
Records - current record scores for regional competitions, world championships, paralympic games, and world championships
IPC calendar - IPC list of competitions to qualify an athlete for Paralympic competition
IPC track and field events are continually being redefined to include as many athletes as possible.
As of 2009, F40 athletes can qualify to compete in three Paralympics Athletics sports: Shot Put, Discus and Javelin.
Volleyball DAAA will be using the rules and regulations of USA Volleyball (USAV) unless superseded by the following DAAA modifications.
Player CategoriesAt present there are two (2) tournaments
Junior 7-15yr
Open 16yr and above
Teams may be composed of both females and males within a single age division.
PlayersThere must be 4 players per team on the court to begin a rally.
Roster Policy
No fewer than 6 players and no more than 8 players on a team.
A team may not have alternates above and beyond the 8 player limit.
Team rosters must be submitted 24 hours prior to the first game of the tournament and may not be changed once the tournament has begun.
A team may not have alternates added to their roster once the official team roster has been submitted 24 hours prior to the first game of the tournament.
A team who cannot put 4 players on the court at the scheduled game time will be forced to forfeit the game.
For independent teams, the above rules apply.
If more than 8 players but less than 12 sign up as independent players, a lottery system will be used to fill the team roster.
If 12 or more players sign up as independents, then two (2) teams of 6 may be formed.
Players for the teams will be randomly selected.
Net HeightThe height of the net shall be 5'8".
Court dimensionsThe court shall be
13.4 meters x 6.1 meters (badminton court size)
The ball for juniors shall be a Mikasa Volley Starter 1.
The ball for adults shall be a standard volleyball.
Characteristics of the HitSome leeway should be given in calling hits due to the characteristics of the individuals playing.
Rally scoring is used for all games.
Matches consist of the best 2 of 3 games.
Games are played to 21 points with the 3rd game of the match played to 15 points.
Deciding Game
Rally scoring will be used if a 3rd game is necessary during the championship matches.
Pool play records will determine tournament positions.
Paralympic Competition
For International Paralymic Games, the IPC has sanctioned sitting volleyball.
The sport is governed by the World Organisation of Volleyball for the Disabled (WOVD). The IPC does include dwarfism as an official athlete classification